In late 2014, as a direct result of the
investment made in developing their marketing
property management and business development
skills and the research undertaken by
Francesca and Fabio, Welcome in Rome
was now ready and committed to expanding it’s
operations outside of Italy and Australia
had been identified as one of their key market
opportunities. Identification of a suitable
Australian business consultant, saw a trip to Australia
in September 2014 which enabled Francesca and Fabio
to increase their knowledge and understanding
of the Australian marketplace, gather the necessary
data and information required to carry out a feasibility
assessment which supported the decision for them
to move forward with establishing a branch
of their business in Australia. Thanks to the support
and assistance provided by the consultant, Welcome in Rome
was successful with it’s application to gain
suitable visas to enable Francesca and Fabio
to relocate to Australia and begin work
on establishing the Australian branch of their business.
Fast forward to March, 2015 and Francesca
Fabio and their daughter Chloe are in
Perth Western Australian and ready to commence
establishing their new Australian Business
Unica Property Management Group.
Fab & Fra at Melbourne Cap Day
Point Zero – Perth, Western Australia