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Coronavirus News

– Posted in: worldwide news

Dear Value Clients,

We would like to reassure you, that we are continually working behind the scene during this very hard time,  to keep the business alive, to be ready to offer our services after this very hard time.

Based on World Health Departments and WHO updates, we have started weeks ago a program to introduced safety measures to reduce the risk of contracting virus.

Our worldwide Team/Collaborators are continuing to work from home through our cloud platforms. All the structures have been closed and disinfected following the guideline and rules from local Governments.

We will be available on all our platforms Whatsapp, Skype & Remote-videoconference to ensure the best way to communicate.

We are checking daily updates from the WHO website, not for the business, but in the interest of worldwide population facing this tough time.

We will be available for any clarification you will need, sometime with a bit of delay in replying due to location… but we will!

We really appreciate your support and understanding.

Please stay safe!

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